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Love filmfest awards Iranian short doc ‘The Hands’

Iranian doc ‘The Hands’ wins award at the Love Int’l Film Festival in the US.

The Love International Film Festival (LIFF) in the US has awarded Iranian short documentary ‘The Hands’.

Directed by Parviz Rajaee, the short flick received the award for best foreign documentary at the fifth edition of the US event.

‘The Hands’ is themed on determinism and free will. It shows some people waiting for a force to form them, but there is another group that its members try to act and create.

Also written by Rajaee, the short flick has already gone on screen in the US at events such as the Southeast Regional Film Festival, the Newark International Film Festival, and the World Premiere Film Awards, where it won the best short film award.

It has also been screened at many global events, including the Southport International Short Film Festival in the UK, the Kalakari Film Festival in India, the Sylhet Film Festival in Bangladesh, the South Coast Film Festival of the UK, the Kosice International Monthly Film Festival of Slovakia, the Canal de Panama International Film Festival, and the King Review Film Festival in India.

‘The Hands’ will soon compete at the 2020 RIETI & SABINA Film Festival in Italy and the second Dili International Film Festival in East Timor.

The Love International Film Festival features films, which inspire feelings of peace, love, acceptance, and tolerance towards children and families.

This year’s edition of the LIFF was held on September 16-21.

Read more:

Love filmfest awards ‘I’m not Alice but here is Wonderland’

